Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Wonderful Husband

Dave recently commented on how this blog started out as "Our Family" blog and has turned into my blog. I thought that this was only fair seeing as how I am the only one who posts on it, but he may have a point. In all fairness, I guess lately I haven't posted a lot on him lately. So, now I am making up for it. While blog hopping a while ago, I saw this on a blog and really liked it:

What is his name? David Brent Garlick

How long have you been together? We started dating the fall of 2001
Who eats more? Definitely Dave, thank goodness!

Who said I love you first? I wrote it first in a letter to him as he was leaving on his mission, but he was the first to actually say it out loud.

Who is taller? Dave, definitely Dave

Who sings better? Dave, I am completely tone deaf!

Who is smarter? Probably Dave, I am better with words, but he is better with math

Whose temper is worse? This one is hard, he would probably say me.

Who does laundry? I do our laundry, but he does help by washing his hunting clothes.

Who pays bills? He does!

Who mows the lawn? Dave does!

Who cooks dinner? I do!

Who is more stubborn? I am pretty sure that Dave would say me.

Who asked who out? Technically, I asked him out, because I asked him to a dance in high school. But, when we really started dating he asked me out by asking to come horse back riding with me.

Who kissed who first? He kissed me after going to see The Christmas Carol with his family. I remember being really surprised he kissed me because he had a really bad cold at the time.

Who wears the pants in the family? I think he would say me, but I am pretty sure it is him. I guess it depends on the situation.
Who is the most kind, playful, loving, thoughtful, adventurous, motivated, smart, hard-working, handsome husband I could possibly dream of? Dave!


coryshay said...

Very cute post. Also, very romantic with your first kiss and the really bad cold--way to go Dave!

Talai said...

That was really fun to read since I didn't much about how you and Dave got started. You want to know something funny, I had the biggest crush on Dave in 7th grade. I rememember he was in my TLC class an was friends with Ryan and Dustin Dobson. I would just get flutters when I saw him. Very funny. Also, I took up your recommendatio and saw "Dan in Real Life." I loved it. I laughed, I cried...what more could you ask for?

The Shane Gang said...

What a cute "tribute" to your husband! I'm with Talai and glad to know more about Dave, as I didn't know to much about him. And just so you know, I never had a crush on Dave in high school, but that doesn't mean he isn't strapping and handsome! :)