Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Check out McKenna on Babysteals.com tomorrow!

Today I had to run to Babysteals to pick up a gift I purchased for my niece, I took McKenna with me because she is my little buddy, and she always comes with me. Anyway, when I walked in the showroom a lady yells "A baby, not only that, but a cute baby!" When I take Kenna places I am used to people commenting on how cute she is, (what can I say, my baby is cute), but this was a little over the top! Then the lady comes over and explains that she is the photographer for Babysteals and needs a cute kid to model the shoes that they are selling tomorrow. They couldn't have picked a more perfect product for McKenna to model, because she LOVES shoes. I have to say at that point I was feeling a little embarrassed because I just grabbed Kenna after her nap, and she wasn't exactly looking her best, but what can I say, the lady still thought she was cute! The shoes will be posted tomorrow morning at 9am, and they will be up on the website until 9pm. Needless to say, McKenna is making her modeling debut tomorrow on Babysteals.com! Check her out!


Rebecca W. said...

I'm very impressed. She's so cute, I wouldn't be surprised if they make her a regular on the site:).

coryshay said...

She's so cute!